Today I took advantage of the flickr geotagging service and I assigned locations to all my photos there. Now there is a map for each of them indicating the location.
The reason why I did it was the mashups. I have read that these geotags are actually in such mashups, so what is a mashup ? As far as I understand it is a web application built on the basis of services provided by other applications. Currently the most popular service providers are Google Maps (more than 50%) , Flickr and Amazon. I expect that YouTube and eBay will increase there share as well.
My expectations of the apis provided by these companies was that they will be compliant to the W3C Web Service Specification. I was surprised when I saw that SOAP was supported by very few of the services. Every service though supports REST. Obviously it fits better in the context of mashups.
These apis can be used not only in such mashups, but in every other site (Pedja's mashup). I think that in the future we will not be able to specify which web site is a mashup and which is not.
And in the end a cool mashup site: Video Ranking.
More about mashups at
January 31, 2007
Публикуван от
Mitko Denev
1:00 AM
January 29, 2007
In the first post in the blog I wrote that the customized google start page was something cool. That was because I have not seen Netvibes. I am most probably going to switch to it as my home page. It looks nicer.
The techology behind must be similar as the one behind the customizable google site. I have to check if everything I use can be imported in Netvibes. I am quite sure that it can be done.
Публикуван от
Mitko Denev
2:27 AM
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Blogs rule
I got very curious while reading the readwriteweb so I checked several other similar blogs. What I found out was something unbelievable. It is another world out there. I once thought that google are setting the pace in the web development. Now my opinion is that they are following the trends.
OK, let me start with the summary.
First we have Don Hinchcliffe's Web 2.0 blog. It presents web 2.0 applications and companies. I have to check it in detail.
Bokardo is the next blog which took my attention. It says that it is about social web design, my impressions is more that it describes the influence of web 2.0 on the real life. I find it interesting.
I do not know what to say about ProgramalWeb. When I saw it it left me speechless. I knew that there were such things like mush-ups but more I did not know. Tomorrow I'll spend some time exploring the blog. It will be well spent time.
Публикуван от
Mitko Denev
2:14 AM
For months now I have been using the Web in a different way compared to before.
By me Internet began with browsing. The ICQ and the email came shortly afterwards. Google became my favorite search portal and that was all. Internet = Mail + ICQ + Google. For several years there was no change in the way I used Internet.
Two years ago it started changing. Publishing my photos on the web, using RSS readers were the first symptoms of a change. In the beginning these changes were slow and gradual, switching to flickr, customizing the google start page, relying heavily on the google maps, using the social network web sites.
In the last months, though, I have rediscovered Internet. Google Calendar helped me keep track of important events. I saw the advantages in tagging for first time in Rememberthemilk actually changed my lifestyle. I have big hopes for CiteULike and my blog for scientific papers.
All this happening in a very short time made me think about it. I realized that I want to keep on track with the trends in the Web and share my impressions of what I have found out there.
This is the reason why I have set up this blog. Hopefully I'll keep it alive.
Публикуван от
Mitko Denev
12:36 AM